Back to Fuselage Page 4
Back to main page2 July, 2005
Starting with this page, I am switching to the new format with larger pictures. You will not be able to click on the pictures to make them larger like on the previous pages, but I think the larger format makes up for it.
Here Porthos (my dog) supervises while I put T-88 on the rear side skin.
It seems to pass his inspection.
My initial thought was to put foam and fiberglass in every bay and make the fuselage stronger.
Here you can see the last five bays in the lower fuselage have foam installed. The last three have actually been glassed. Here Ricky Lynn shows off his second broken arm.
I have since decided that there are too many KR's flying safely without having all the fuselage bays foamed and glassed and have removed the foam from the last five bays. I will not be putting in anymore and save the weight.
Back to Fuselage Page 4
More to follow!
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